This room caters for up to 10 children 1-2 year of age with a maximum of four staff. The unders 2s are given regular opportunity to explore their surroundings through using a variety of textures during messy play, dancing and movement to music, physical activities using parachutes. Children within the Pretoddler room are encouraged to interact with their friends during activities throughout their day, they begin to build friendships and understand the daily routine of the room. All children love to explore, and it is exploratory instinct in babies and pre-toodlers that is nutured at Oaktree Day Nursery. We aim to make their days enjoyable with lots of fun and laughter. The pre-toddlers room has ample carpet space for soft play. The room is kept clean, warm, safe and well ventilated. It is always cosy, welcoming and very well equipped. The children play with plenty of bright stimulating toys as well as being allowed the opportunity to explore interesting and safe household objects - just as they would at home. After lunch,the children are gently settled to sleep as staff watch over them. Babies and pre toddlers are taken outside whenever possible,to encourage physical and social development Babies only stay out for short periods of time and never in mid-day sun or unsuitable conditions. Daily records using the EYFS will be maintained to allow parents to oversee their child's daily routine and progress. Termly reviews will be added and parents can spend time reading these and adding any comments or requests. Staff make themselves available to discuss your childs daily development.